Our History,

International Family Worship Center (IFWC) was founded in 2007 by Pastors Reggie and Candi Stewart.

The Stewarts received the vision for IFWC in 1995, shortly after graduating from Rhema Bible Training Center in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, under the guidance of Kenneth E. Hagin and Oral Roberts University. During the 12 years that followed, they served faithfully as associate and assistant pastors at a number of thriving ministries throughout the country.

On January 21, 2007, more than a decade after Pastors Reggie and Candi received the vision of pioneering a church in Connecticut, IFWC's first service was held with 66 God loving individuals at the Courtyard Marriott in Norwich, CT. From there, IFWC began to grow as souls were saved and lives transformed, we transitioned out of hotels and into a school auditorium, followed by a shared space with a local synagogue. In September 2016, IFWC excitedly purchased its current location.

IFWC's core values is to LOVE like Christ loves, without conditions. To LIFT individuals and communities with encouragement and biblical truth; to LEAD those in need of hope and salvation to Christ the giver of hope; and to LINK humankind to the Kingdom of God.

We are a family driven church that values connection and authentic relationships. We endeavor to minister the whole person one family at a time. Here at “the family” dreams are revealed, and destinies are fulfilled. Come be a part of our history, everyone is welcome.

Frequently Asked Questions

The environment at The Family is a warm, friendly, and welcoming one. You will feel at home while experiencing an uplifting, engaging, and dynamic service. In addition, we will not put you on the spot by asking you to stand or speak. During the service, you can relax and enjoy uplifting, contemporary music followed by a practical and powerful message.

Yes, we have exciting lessons designed for children during our Sunday service, divided by age group (from 6 months to high school). During this time, the children can experience a safe and fun-filled environment where they can grow and develop by learning the Word of God. Learn more about our ministries.

  1. Communication with God through prayer.
  2. Celebration and expression of our adoration to God through worship.
  3. Casually greeting those around us with a quick "hello."
  4. Getting informed about what's happening through Family News announcements.
  5. Learning about God's way of giving back.
  6. Experiencing a life-changing and inspirational Bible-based message.
  7. Invitation to become a follower of Christ at the end of service if you so desire.

There are several ways for growth here:

  1. Attend our Sunday services.
  2. Get involved with one of our many Life Groups for continued growth on your journey. Groups include men, women, youth, married couples, freedom, finance, parenting, blended family, and more. Learn more.

While many people at The Family dress in casual or business-casual attire, we encourage and welcome you to dress in a way that best fits your style and preference.  When you visit, our goal is to make you feel at home, no matter who you are or what you may be wearing.

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We believe God created you with unique abilities and gifts to help contribute to His work. No matter who you are, there is a place for you to serve based on your passions, gifts, and talents. When you serve in the area God has designed for you, it's both rewarding and beneficial to those you serve. We want you to find the most fulfilling place to serve. Take the PLACE assessment in the Growth Track to find that special place of belonging. We invite you to partner with us and join the team as we work together to accomplish God's vision for IFWC.